Foto © Paúl Rivera/
Foto © Paúl Rivera/
Foto © Paúl Rivera/

District of Columbia Public Library Dorothy I. Height / Benning Neighborhood Library

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Washington, DC, USA

The Benning Library is the first in a series of new libraries in Washington that are designed to be flexible and open, to meet the needs of the community now and in the future. The completed facility includes community spaces on the lower level including a 100-person multi-purpose room, two 12-person conference rooms and a public gathering and exhibition space. The upper level of the library houses the library’s collection, which on opening day included 40,000 books, DVDs, CDs and other library materials. The library has space to allow the collection to expand to up to 80,000 items. Additionally, the upper level features separate reading areas for adults, teens and children, as well as the children’s program area. The library achieved LEED® Gold Certification with sustainable features such as a vegetated green roof, solar control and daylight management, displacement air system and extensive use of recycled or renewable materials.

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